This page provides a quick guide to the PRoMPT BOLUS study
- To determine if fluid resuscitation with balanced fluids will improve clinical outcomes compared to fluid resuscitation with 0.9% saline in paediatric septic shock under usual clinical conditions
- To monitor the safety of balanced fluids versus 0.9% saline in paediatric septic shock
PlasmaLyte vs 0.9% Saline
- Age: 2 months to 16 years
- Suspected septic shock
- Requiring IV antibiotics
- Requiring fluid bolus
- With a plan to administer a second fluid bolus
- Patient has received >40ml/kg of fluid
- Clinician judgement that enrolment is unsafe
- Suspected brain herniation
- Known hyperkalaemia, hypercalcaemia
- Known hepatic, renal failure
- Known metabolic or mitochondrial disease
- Known pregnancy
- Known prisoner
- Known fluid allergy
What you need to do:
- Collect a study pack from the research trolley
- Fill in the enrolment form
- Provide information pamphlet to the parents (we have ethics approval for delayed consent)
- Open randomisation envelope and prescribe the study fluids on the paperwork provided in the study pack
- Return completed enrolment form to the research trolley
- Fill in patient details in the enrolment log book
- Study team will get informed consent and complete all remaining paperwork
Further Questions
- Dr Anna Lithgow; paediatrician (
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Megan Duck; Research Coordinator (
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) 28608 - Hanna Bjoern; Research nurse (hanna.bjoern
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) 27969 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 0460034800- Further information from the Murdoch Children's Research Institute