Welcome to research at the Royal Darwin Palmerston Hospital Division of Emergency Medicine.
Research has a pivotal role in improving the delivery of evidence-based and equitable patient care and helps up build strong networks and collaborations with other departments.
All research conducted within our Division is conducted responsibly, ethically and with integrity and aligns with the “Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research”.
Our research team supports participation in multi-national studies and trials as well as our own departmental research that focuses on our unique NT population and systems. We are also collaborating with Menzies on a National Health and Medical Research Council MRFF funded StreamlinED project.
How can you help?
- Make sure you are familiar with all of our current and previous research projects.
- Ask questions if you need or want more information about a study
- Participate in research by enrolling all eligible patients in our studies
How we can help you?
- If you want to do more, have an interest in research or maybe an idea you want to progress please come and talk to us.
Our research team consists of Dr Sandra Brownlea, Megan Duck and Hanna Bjoern with support from the Divisional Executive team and the many doctors and nurses who lead or assist with individual research projects.
How to contact us:
- Research team:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 28608 - Director of emergency Research:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Research Coordinator: Megan Duck:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 28608 - Research Nurse: Hanna Bjoern
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 27974
RDPH ED is actively involved in a number of multi-centre research projects, and continues to seek future projects to contribute to.
Current work includes:
- The Kids Are Not OK: ED & paediatric mental health crisis management
Recent previously published studies include:
Links to published work, including the bronchiolitis work
RDPH ED undertakes research specific to our context and our environment, separate to our multi-centre involvement
Current areas of focus include:
Recent previously published work includes:
2022 Models of Care to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Acute Care.
This project, funded by an MRFF grant, is a collaboration with researchers from Menzies and NT Emergency Departments and has 4 project streams.
- Optimise aeromedical retrievals in remote Australia
- Streamline access to more efficient and structured health care, and wrap around support services through case management to a highly disadvantaged patient group with complex care needs who attend the ED frequently.
- Improve the efficiency and effectiveness in acute care through Patient Navigation in the ED for NT adolescents.
4. Understand the causative factors, outcomes and costs associated with missed dialysis to develop a model of care to reduce Emergency Department pressures.