Welcome to the Emergency Medicine Certificate and Diploma Program in the Top End. The Certificate and Diploma allow medical officers contemplating a career in emergency medicine as a Fellow or as a GP/RG with advanced skills in ED to obtain a qualification and develop skills through practical training components and workplace based assessments under the supervisin of a FACEM or ACEM Advanced Diplomate. You can find out more about the programs through the following link ACEM - Certificate and Diploma Programs
Currently, JMOs employed through the Top End Health Service Medical workforce or Royal Darwin Hospital Emergency Department are able to undertake the emergency medicine certificate and diploma at Royal Darwin and Palmerston Hospitals over a 6 or 12 month rotation. During your placement with us, you will be allocated a clinical supervisor (FACEM) who will support you in completing your logbook and workplace based assessments. You will be offered opportunities to attend weekly JMO teaching that includes simulations, lectures, case review meetings and practical procedural skill sessions to develop your skills in Emergency Medicine through our regular teaching program.
We also deliver 1 catch up practical and Simulation session per term to EMC/D trainees across the top end to facilitate completing any outstanding requirements for you to achieve your qualification.
The next Catch Up session available to EMC/D trainees for Term 2 of 2024 is on the 24th July 2024. If you wish to attend, please register through the following link answering questions around your requirements so we can better prepare the session to suit your needs.
If you have any further Questions about undertaking the Emergency Medicine Certificate and Diploma in the Top End please contact
Jaye Ah Mat,
Emergency Medicine Certificate and Diploma Program Support Officer
Aruna Shivam,
EMC/D and EMET program Clinical lead
Katherine and Gove District Hospitals are currently unable to deliver the certificate and diploma programs. We will update this page as changes in this capacity arise.